How to Install the Outdoor Rental LED Display Screens Modules In Right Way

LED modules are the basic unit for a rental LED display screen. Some people may not familiar with it, thus caused some problems when install it. The followings are some useful tips for us to install the LED modules rightly.

1.Use dedicated power switch. The outdoor rental LED display screens are used in the open air, so the waterproof and other protection must be perfect.

2.Do not change the output power voltage arbitrary when the screens modules are working. The voltage must be adjusted in advance according to the modules’ features.

3.The LED modules use low power input, the power should be installed within 10 meters from the outdoor rental LED display screen modules.

4.There is positive and negative terminals on the LED screen modules. So the power lines must be connected rightly. If the lines are connected incorrect, the LED modules will not work.

5.The LED modules cannot connect with high voltage power(like 220V power) directly, otherwise the whole outdoor rental LED display screen modules will be damaged.

6.Make sure the support is strong and stable enough for the LED screen modules. If it is not stable and strong enough, the screens may fall down and break.

7.The total amount of series connection modules should not be larger than 50 modules, otherwise the brightness of modules at end may reduced. This will influence the overall performance of the whole outdoor rental LED display screens. If the total amount of LED modules is large, it is better to use multiple power supply system for them.

Source from Glux LED
