Higher Brightness Outdoor Rental LED Display Screens Does Not Mean Better Choice

Nowadays, more and more outdoor audio visual events are using outdoor rental LED display screens. Some of the users concerns much about the screen’s brightness when they are contacting the LED screen rental service providers. 
Is higher brightness really mean better to your events? How to choose the screen’s brightness for your event?
Is higher brightness better for your event?
As a kind of light displaying equipment, high brightness is one of LED screen’s features. That’s why it is so popular. When the LED screen rental service providers are introducing their screens, they will use “high brightness” to attract us, and created a misconception that “higher brightness is better”. However, higher brightness outdoor rental LED display screen does not mean better for your event.

1.Higher brightness may influence your screen’s lifespan;
Higher brightness will need larger drive current. However, under strong current, the stability of LED chips will reduce, and the screen’s brightness will decay quickly. That is, if we just want higher brightness outdoor rental LED display screens, the screen’s visual quality and lifespan will be influenced in the future.

2.Higher brightness may cause more light pollution;
The light pollution is serious in all the cities around the world now. As a higher brightness one among various displaying equipment, outdoor rental LED display screens almost become the first choice for various events. In the evening, too high brightness will become a light pollution. Therefore, it is better to pursuit a balance between high brightness and light pollution.

3.Higher brightness does not mean it is suitable for your event;
Different event will need different outdoor rental LED display screens. When choosing the screen’s brightness, we should consider about the event’s place, environment, using time, weather, etc and then choose be best brightness LED screens. Not the largest brightness screens. Actually, better outdoor screen rental service providers will advice you an appropriate LED screen for your event, not the highest brightness one, not the highest price one.

4.Higher brightness may cause more cost;
The budget is also an aspect we need to consider about. If we use higher brightness LED screens, the cost will be higher. If your event does not need too much high brightness, then it will be a wast of money.

In general, higher brightness outdoor rental LED display screens may not be the best for your events. Choose appropriate brightness is the best choice.
